The V International scientific conference
“Colloids and Surfaces-2020”
16-18 September 2020, Almaty
Malachite Hall of the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University warmly invites scientists, specialists, university professors, graduate students, master students and bachelors who have interest in the area of colloid chemistry and nanotechnology to attend the V International scientific conference “Colloids and Surfaces-2020”, which will take place on 16-18 of September, 2020.
The topics of the conference:
Section 1. Surface phenomena and adsorption at the interface
Section 2. Nanomaterials, nano- and micro-encapsulating
Section 3. Lyophilic and lyophobic systems.
Section 4. Colloid chemistry of polymers and rheology of complex systems
Section 5. Colloidal chemical aspects of environmental protection
Section 6. Surface Forces and Thin Liquid Films
Section 7. Foams, Emulsions and Microemulsions
Section 8. Surfactants and Self-Assembly
Section 9. Fine Particles and Colloidal Dispersions
Section 10. Polymers and Gels
Section 11. Catalysis and Surface Reactions
Section 12. Wetting and Interfacial Rheology
Section 13. Interfacial Electric Phenomena
Section 14. Biological and Biologically Inspired Systems (incl. biomembranes & lipid bilayers)
Section 15. Applications (in e.g. food, medicine, environmental technology and energy)
Section 16. Biocolloids
The program of the conference will include plenary lectures, oral communications and poster presentations.
The working languages of the International Scientific Conference is English.
To participate in the conference, please, register on this site via Registration website tab. It is not possible to register without uploading your thesis and the registration fee receipt (scanned version of the financial document or pgf).
Proceedings drawn up in accordance with the attached requirement: The Sample.doc
Applications for participation in the conference must be completed in the above-given registration form and submitted along with the conference proceedings (in paper and electronic versions) to Organization Committee before 1 September, 2020.
Papers submitted to the Organizing Committee shall be published in the conference proceedings before the conference.
Information about hotels of Almaty
Below is the list of recommended hotels, which are located nearby the conference place (click, please, on title of hotels to open info about).
✦ InterContinental Almaty
✦ Astana International Hotel
✦ Hotel Ai Ser
✦ Ambassador Hotel
✦ Zyliha hotel
✦ Shamshyrak Hotel (University Hotel, for reservation and details please contact organisers, CaSconference@kaznu.kz).
Other hotels and tour offers are on the City Tour website
Postal address and E-mail of the Organizing Committee:Organizing Committee of the V International scientific conference “Colloids and Surfaces-2020”Contact: the Conference Secretary are ________________ (Whatsapp: +7 ___ __ __)Al-Farabi Kazakh National UniversityFaculty of chemistry and chemical technologyDepartment of analytical, colloid chemistry and technology of rare elements, room 307050040, Almaty, Al-Farabi av. 71E-mail: CaSconference@kaznu.kzDirect phone: +7 (727) 377-36-11, +7 (727) 221-15-08, +7 (727) 221-15-09,Switchboard: +7 (727) 377-33-33, ext. 1508

The IV International scientific conference
“Colloids and Surfaces-2015”
Chairman – G.M. Mutanov, rector of Al-Farabi KazNU.
Deputy Chairman – M.M. Burkitbayev, first Vice-Rector of Al-Farabi KazNU
Deputy Chairman – T.S. Ramazanov, Vice-Rector for Scientific and Innovative Activity
Tasibekov Haidar Suleimanovich
PhD, Associate professor
Head of the department of analytical, colloid chemistry and technology of rare elements
Tazhibaeva Sagdat Mederbekovna
Prof., department of analytical, colloid chemistry and technology of rare elements
Omarova Kainzhamal Iskanovna
Prof., department of analytical, colloid chemistry and technology of rare elements
Kokanbaev Azimbek Kokanbaevich
Academician of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Kazakhstan
Prof., department of analytical, colloid chemistry and technology of rare elements
The executive secretary:
PhD, senior lecturer the department of analytical, colloid chemistry and technology of rare elements
Chairman – Erdos. K. Ongarbaev
Prof., Dean of the Faculty of chemistry and chemical technology, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Reinhard Miller
Prof., Senior scientist at Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Potsdam, Germany
President of the International Association of Colloid and Interface Scientists (IACIS)
Kulichikhin Valery Grigor’evich.
Head of the Department of Colloid Chemistry, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moskow, Russia.
Prof., Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Musabekov Kuanyshbek Bituovich.
Prof. of the department of analytical, colloid chemistry and technology of rare elements, Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan,
Academician of Kazakhstan National Academy of Natural Sciences, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Higher School of Kazakhstan.
Nauryzbaev Mikhail Kassymovich
Director of the "Center of physical and chemical methods of research and analysis", Almaty, Kazakhstan
Prof.,Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan.
Mansurov Zulhair Aymuhamedovich
Director of "Institute of Combustion Problems", Almaty, Kazakhstan
Prof., Academician of the International Academy of Higher Education
Abilov Zharylkasyn Abduahitovich
Prof., department of chemistry and technology of organic matters, natural compounds and polymers, Corresponding Member of the Academy Higher School RK, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Engineering RK, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Aidarova Saule Bailyarovna
Director of the International Institute for postgraduate education «Excellence Polytech», KI Satpaev KazNTU, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Prof., Academician of the National Academy of Natural Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Alexander I. Ilyin
President of JSC "Scientific Center for anti-infective drugs", Almaty, Kazakhstan
Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Kazakh National Academy of Natural Sciences.

The conference will be held at Al Farabi Kazakh National University, Big Chemistry Hall (Malachite Hall) Address: 050040, Kazakhstan, Almaty, Al Farabi av. 71. (official address) (see the map down).
To find our university on googlemaps please type one of the following searching words: “Al Farabi Kazakh National University” or “Students Palace, Almaty, Kazakhstan” or “46 Timiryazev St., KazGUgrad., Almaty,Kazakhstan”, the latter is the second address of our university which is more often used than the official one. The entrance of the University is situated along Timiryazev Street.
The registration will take place in front of the Malachite Hall which has place between Physical-Technical Faculty and Faculty Chemistry and Chemical Technology (see the map)
All plenary sessions will be held in the Malachite Hall.
The parallel sessions will be held in the Malachite Hall.
The coffee breaks will be organized in special room near Malachite Hall.
There are nice restaurants near the University. There are also cheap university canteens in Faculties and at the Students’ Palace (see the map down).
Beside the university, there are ATMs and currency exchange offices situated the street Timiriazev.